Sharing to learn

Sharing to learn is a project that envolves the school and the institut. This year, third-year students has shared lessons with five language assistants: Marina, Alba, Sila, Cristina and Anna.
The pupils have learned English playing and speaking with the girls.
The students are very grateful and they made this video for their favourite language assistants.


Sharing to learn és un projecte que involucra tant a l'escola com a l'institut. Aquest any, el alumnes de tercer han compartit classe amb cinc ajudants de la llengua: Marina, Alba, Sila, Cristina i Anna.
Han aprés anglès jugant i parlant amb les noies. Ells estant molt agraïts i han fet aquest video per les seves ajudants preferides.

Here you have different photos of our activities:

Aquí teniu diferents fotografies de les nostres activitats:


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